When Blogging Is Your Job

I’ve haven’t blogged here for a long time because I’ve been hired to blog for QJ.net. It’s a wonderful site for game and gadgets information–I’m into those things as well. You can check my posts out; I’m writing there as Robert S.

I’ve been there for two weeks now and I’ll have to say that  everyday seems to be a marathon for me. There’s a certain quota that we need to put up everyday. There would be times that it would just drain all the writing energy in you. I do hope I can practice more of my speed blogging/writing there. The night shift was hard at first, but eventually I was able to adjust to the schedule.

This seems more like a personal post rather than a post about writing. To new writers out there. There are ways to earn money either through writing or blogging. You just need to actively look for them.

I will be posting again as soon as my schedule permits me to do so. Until then, keep on writing! 

Prepare to Write

So you’ve found your reason to write, now what?

Visualize the End 

Do you see yourself winning the Pulitzer prize? Are you an editor for one of the top newspapers around? Fill in the blanks. See yourself under successful lights. Now that we see how it will all end, let’s now focus on how to get there.

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Why Do You Write?

It’s a question that stumps a lot of writers and bloggers. Usually, the people who can answer right away are those who are focused on their mission in becoming a writer. But what if you don’t know? What if you just have this “gut” feeling that you want to be one? Is that reason enough to write?

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Changing and Writing About Things You Don’t Know

Finally, I’ll be paid to do what I love: writing.

In a few days, I’ll be a “Creative Writer” for one of the prominent, high tech-focused, blog networks out there. It’s going to be a BIG change for me, as I have been working as an HR Specialist for the last six years. I’m not sure what they’ll have me write or blog about, but I see this as more of a challenge for me.

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Blog About Writing

Find Your Reason to Write

There was a time that memorizing the multiplication table meant you were the best in Math.

Teacher: “Okay, Robert. 2 x 3?”

Robert: “6!”

Teacher: “Good! You’re exempted from the Math surprize quiz I’m giving the class today!”

(That was a different Robert, by the way)

So kids memorized the tables like crazy and hoped that they would be exempted like little Robert back there. However, some had a VERY hard time with it. They actually questioned their parents, the teacher, and the principal on WHY memorizing it was important. Most answered that they need it to pass the subject. Still, they wondered why multiplying 2×3 was important. Looking back now, I wish I had never questioned them at all.

Sometimes, you need to find your own way of knowing things.

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